Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Problem solved! Checked all the tubes again and found the 6SN7's were dead cold - unplugged umblical cord and reconnected it, still dead cold but the rest of the tubes were okay. Unplugged umblical cord and reverse it, the side connected to preamp initially now connected to the power supply unit and vice versa. Bingo! Everything lights up and the Cab started to sing (including myself ^_^). Anyway, still have two minor issues that I need to solve them with Mick when he is back to work.

Hi Kenji

When I first received my preamp, the same problem happened with me... I systematically tried all combination (almost I think). Finally, I turned off the power and took out all the tubes, reinserted them and turned on the power. After a few moves and when I toggled a top gain switch to High, there was a loud POP and faint sound was heard. Next I toggled the other top gain switch to High. Luckily, my speakers were not damaged (I think). For my setup, I had to switch off the power amp everytime the top gain switch is toggered, either way. Both gain TOP switches had to be set to High and back gain switch set to middle before I hear anything decent. You may try that.

Good luck, Edmund
Hi all,I posted this question separately on this forum but was advised to post it on this thread.I am looking to upgrade my ARC LS 15 preamp and have narrowed the field to either an ARC ref2 ( I know there is a ref 3 on the way) or a Supratek Cabernet ( I stated Chardonnay on the separate posting).Did anyone compare the two? ( I realise that any replies will probably be from very happy Supratek owners). Partnering gear-ARC CD3 CDP ,Plinius SA 100 ( soon to be SA Ref) , Shahinians ,Wireworld gold eclipse balanced interconnect , Kimber speaker cable; music taste classical and jazz .
From every thing I've read on this thread the Supratek is something special but any thoughts on the comparison would be gratefully received.Thanks in advance.
It took me only five minutes to follow the advice of TWL on buying a Chenin, but more than a month to read this wonderful thread! Thank you very much Slowhand, Ecclectique, Amandarae, Bwhite, Jpms, Cello, Streven1960, Jazzdude, Tubegroover, Asa, Fiddler, and the rest of the Supratek gang for all the information about this wonderful preamplifier. After a month in my system, I concur that this is a very special piece of equipment. Following TWL’s advice I’ve assembled in the last couple of years a SET/Lowther based rig and I listen mostly to jazz music. I am using right now a Linn Sondek/Ekos/Goldring Elite and Electrocompaniet EMC 1 UP front end, a Supratek Chenin pre, Wright Sound 3.5, Bottlehead Parabee 300b and Electrocompaniet AW 220 amplifiers (a long story behind this combination ), and Lowther EX 4 in a Voigt Pipe enclosure and Silverline Sonatas as speakers (the second installment of the previous long story ). A REL Stadium II is the subwoofer. Cables are all Electraglides (Silver Reference and Speakerglides). The best sound I’ve ever had in my life! The Chenin replaced an aging Audible Illusions 3A and the difference is notorius. I’ve already replaced the stock 6SN7 with a pair of Ken Rad Black Glass 6SN7, the rectifier with an RCA 5V4, the stock 5881 with a pair of Tung Sol 5881 and the 6922 with a pair of Amperex 6922 White label. After finishing reading the entire thread last night, I will buy the already famous Sylvanias 6F6G and either the Mullard GZ34 or the Philips Miniwatts. Any idea where to look at for those two tubes? Thank you very much one more time, and happy new year. Pablo.
Hello K.D.occonor. I cannot help much on a direct comparison of the supratek to the ARC ref 2 as I have never heard the ref 2 in my own rig. I have owned and very much enjoyed many ARC products over the years. From the original sp-3a preamp, sp-6a to B, sp-8 mk2, sp-10 mk2 [still own] and a brief stint with the sp-11. For me anyway..... the last great preamp from ARC ended with the sp-10. I should qualify things here: I voice all my preamps with vinyl as my main source, as 90% of my listening is through the phono stage. ARC seemed to move into the high resolution, wide bandwidth camp with the introduction of the sp-11 series.I never really cottoned to that sound. For me it was far too clinical or bleached out and robbed the emotion and tonal integrity of the sp-10. I have heard the arc ref 2 on a few occasions in other systems and to my ear... I would still classify it in that same camp, albeit far more refined and articulate than the sp-11. Comparing the line stage of the older sp-10 to the supratek? NO Contest sir. The sp-10 is full bodied with a large and deep soundstage, a somewhat rounded bloomy bottom end and makes for a credible facsimilee of the illusion. However.... the supratek's line stage makes music sound more alive with emotion, it's abilty to retrieve that fine nuance and low level micro imformation thats masked or buried in lesser preamps. Added to it's uncanny dynamic range and bass weight adds up to getting you closer to the sound of a live event. It's clarity and coherency is unmatched in my experience.No contest here! You may want to post here where you reside and perhaps someone close will give you a listen. Even better if you could get a reference 2 for comparative purposes. All the best in your endevour sir.