Amp for JBL 250 Ti

I'm about to purchase a nice mint pair of 250 Ti's in black piano lacquer. What's the perfect amlifier companion for them? They love power don't they? I'm looking for a huge, powerful dynamic sound with BIG BASS and smooth highs. The room is aprox. 40 sq. meters.
I think you are just worrying too much, the 250ti isn't a particularly hard speaker to drive. I had a pair for years and drove them with a Sansui G-9700, PS200/400 Crowns, Carver M1.5T, Pass XA30.5, XA60.5, and X260.5 plus probably some stuff I'm forgetting.
Fm acoustics fm-811, reyaudio, mc2 mc-1250, mc2 mc-750, electrocompaniet the very old version, all are better than the choices above mentioned.
To be honest my experience with mcintosh amps is not that good. I heard them at shows a couple of times and one time I visited someone who had a pair of mac mono blocks. They all sounded warm and veiled to me. A bit like older tube amps. The audiophile I was visiting has a ML 380S pre amp and mac mono blocks. But the sound was so dull and lifeless. I was there to buy his speakers, and when I hooked up my own amp a mere 100watt integrated amp the speakers came alive and there was music.

Now maybe I just heard some badly match systems but while I like the mac looks I don't think I will ever consider buying a mac amp.
Thanx for all your responses gentlemen but I've made my choice. Electrocompaniet NEMO just arrived together with Electrocompaniet 4.8 preamp. I was tempted by McIntosh but the ridiculous prices here in Moscow (think 50% higher than US price) and the rather unpleasant current ruble-dollar exchange rate made me choose Electrocompaniet which I got a great deal on. I will report on my impressions in a few days.
Hope you are enjoying your 250Ti/Electrocompaniet Combo?. I have been driving my 250Ti's with a Plinius SA250/IV. Fantastic combo especially in Class A mode. The amount of grip the Plinius has on the 250Tis is phenominal. Previously i was using a 200W/ch Perreaux. The Plinius was a major step up.