Any experience with HRS Harmonic Resolution system

Does anyone have experience withe HRS rack and platform systems. I am thinking of upgrading my rack/shelves. Before I pursue a demo with one of these systems in my own home, with my own equipment, I thought I would reach out to the Audiogon Community. All comments, recommendations, opinions are welcome and appreciated.
I agree with Rtn1, HRS are indeed neutral and sound undramatic, but they certainly improve the sound, in terms of focus, microdynamics, clearly so.
I found Stillpoints quite different, if anything vearing away from neutrality, more snap, dynamics, giving a more obvious improvement to the sound. In my system, I preferred stillpoints and the price difference.
I own the SXR rack with 3 M3X isolation bases...expensive yes but once you see how it is built, finished and isolates equipment I think it will be the end of your search forever if that is where you want to be.
I went all the way and use the Nimbus footers and dampers on top/bottom of my equipment and the solid foundation, speed and focus this rack gives music is amazing.
My only caveat is that I have not heard all the racks out there but once owned the Grand Prix Monaco fully loaded rack and can say it had a mid-bass warmth and roundness applied to the music that completely disappeared once I installed the HRS rack. The music sounded like the GP rack is built....loose.
With HRS you will get a quieter black background with natural decays and soundstage image focus allowing you to hear into the music not present on the Grand Prix rack.