Actually difference between class A and AB?

Class A amp sounds like holy grail of HIFI world.
But class A amp are much heavier, more expensive and rarer than class AB or class B design. Few can afford 100 LB weight of a 2-channel 100w/c amp.

Is there any actual difference between class A and class AB when listening to actual music? And what is that difference?
Rok2id, did you read the last paragraph of my post??? The only thing addressed in that paragraph is "difference when listening." That is the best I can explain it based on my experience owning three different Class A SS amps. To compare, the Class AB SS amps I have owned include McCormack DNA500, Cary 500MB, Herron M1, BAT VK500, McCormack DNA2 and Classe DR25.

Soundlock, why would a preference for Class A amplification make someone an "elitist?" I fail to understand why topics cannot be discussed on their merits, technical attributes, or on the basis of what folks hear in their systems and personal preference, without resorting to labeling.

I have no problem with your post. I thought I was in support. In particular your question as to why everything is addressed as if we were in a lab doing tests and not actually listening to music.
10-23-11: Soundlock
"If you're not one of the elitist that wont have anything but a class A amp, suggest you try a Magtech amp by Sanders Sound Systems.
Has a 30 day no risk trial. What does one have to lose?"

Just to clarify, the Magtech is not a class A amp (you didn't state it was but kinda sounded like you did).
What one has to lose is the same thing one has to lose with just about every other piece of gear - Time, hassle, etc.
btw: The write up on the Magtech sounds a lot like the Sunfire amps by Bob Carver with the "Tracking Down Converter" power supplies, although there isn't enough info in the Magtech write-up to understand the technology used:
Sorry Rok2id, I guess I misunderstood. I thought you were stating that nobody on the thread addressed sonic differences when listening, which are in fact addressed in my last paragraph, at least based on my experiences.