New amp recommendations

Hello. My current amp is a big old Onkyo M510 Grand Integra. The preamp is an Italian Musical Technology c2. The speakers are Proac Response 4.

I would like to change the amp. Any good amp recommendation for the Proacs?

Finally, what if I keep the Onkyo? Any suggestion for a good preamp to pair with it? Thanks.
I'll keep the Onkyo amo. Still undecided between ARS LS26 and Ref.3 preamp (both of which I will try to audition). Is the Ref.3 worth 2k euros more than the ls26 (used)?
For the same money - less actually you could get a Audio Research VSi60 Integrated. Very nice sounding amplifier.
Grimace, thanks but I don't need an integrated amp. I am looking for a good preamp to match my onkyo amp.