Almarro a318B and Audio Note ANe Speakers

Any thoughts on how this amp might drive ANe HE speakers?

The A318B will drive those very well. 94-95.5 db is a great load for this amp. It's a very high current amp that has very good bass and the highs are exceptional.
The mids are extreamely good. I've owned my A318B for two years now. I'm very satisfied.
Hope this helps.
I used to own the 318A version. It differs from the 318B in that it has zero feedback. Both are rated at 18 watts and it drove my Proac Signature 2000's just fine. They are rated at 8 ohms and only 87db. So I would think you would not have any problems driving the more efficient Audio Notes to high levels with the Almarro. I hope this helps.
I drove Audio Note kit 2 (94db) and kit 3 (97 db) speakers with my Audio Note Soro SE which has 18 wpc easily

the Soro is very robust for 18 watts but I think you are safe.