Almarro a318B and Audio Note ANe Speakers

Any thoughts on how this amp might drive ANe HE speakers?

I ran pair of AN-E Spe He for a while with Almarro A318B. It was nice, but the synergy of all AN set made me replace Almarro with Audio Note Meishu.

The difference between Meishu and Almarro wasn't that great when using EE minimax dac. Almarro having more bass impact and maybe slightly less ambiance.

Replacing EE minimax dac with Audio Note dac 0.1x (loaner) through Meishu to AN-Es made all the difference.

I hoped the dac would've been the key so I wouldn't have needed to sell Almarro and spend any more money, but while running the same AN dac through Almarro to AN-es did sound somewhat smoother and relaxed than EE minimax dac, the real magic happened when the whole audio chain was by Audio Note.

So in short, Almarro plays well with AN-Es, but try to get to listen them with AN source and AN amplification.
Thank you Janj1.

I have breadboarded a WE91A 300b amp with Audio Note output transformers. Am enjoying listening to it drive the ANe's. The amp has good pace and a lovely smooth tone. Once I am through tinkering with the sound, will need to deside on a chassis.