Impedance Mismatch: A.I. M3A, Krell KSA100

I've read opposing views elsewhere on whether there is a sound degrading impedance mismatch between the Audible Illusions M3A preamp, with an output impedance of 1.2 K and the Krell KSA100 power amp, with an input impedance of 22 K.

Something tells me that there is a definitive answer out there.

I own a KSA100 and I'm considering the M3A for use with that amp.

Thanks in advance for any first hand experience or expert advice!
Thanks for all the responses.

I'm in a different position since I moved away from big cities, now. I'm 2 hours away from Boston and Nashua, NH. Those being the closest with shops that might carry and lend equipment for trying out.

I once used an A.I. M2 with a KSA50, hence the M3A idea as a way to lower the risk of a bad surprise.

So Scoutdog, just to be clear, I should go with a Krell, right?

Seriously though, I've tried a PAM3, PAM5 but those particular preamps didn't move me at the time. Maybe some of the better ones, but the budget is not high.

Thanks again.
Scoutdog is waaaay off base. Many people use tube preamps and solid state amps. There is no law against mixing and matching. IMHO, a krell pre and power amp makes for a very fatigueing sound. Just sayin.
Many People Use Tubes with krell amps but just follow this blog and what do you get??????. I never said you can't mix and match nor did I ever say there's a law against it --- my point is just read what is being said -- I just cut through the questions (logic) and technical stuff and what ifs and told the man he should stick with a Krell -- you know keep it simple. But way off base -- no way -- just read the above and tell me what advise is being given --. My advise is buy the krell and fatigue will be the least of your worries --- If Krell is tiresome -- why are so many people always on the KREll forum comparing there experiences with other companies (I know there isn't a law that says you only can talk about krell on the krell forum but....really... they must be doing something right and for a long time...Funny how <> everybody relates to a Krell (everybody guns for the best -- good or bad). Hey I think there is some really fantastic world class Tube preamps and amps out there that yes are on level with Krell (no bad comments). But cut through all the above exchange and buy the krell and don't worry about...I won't repeat what I have already stated....

I don't know what your budget is ..but I would try the Kav-280p (Really nice preamp), KCT (Hard to beat), or even the KRC-HR (lot Older but - hey still will get you up close and personal with anything out there)
I do own a KSA-100S and at the time (1995ish) I used a KRC-2 and it sounded great -- I still use my KCT with it every once and while just to listen to the amp (sounds great).

Arc makes fantastic World Class Stuff -- Bar None -- But they sound the very best with other ARC Components (Hope I wasn't way off on that statement -- even on the Krell forum)

Buy The Krell -- Or sell the krell and buy an ARC

I'am easy!