Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
Ask current Emotiva owners what their preferences are in listening. Big bass, fat mid range, scintillating high's, what? Temper what you hear from current users with what they tell you about what they are enjoying from it then compare that to what you are looking for. Don't get carried away by BIG numbers, that is spec's. Bipolar transistors are known to sound a bit lean, perhaps revealing? in mid's and hi's when compared to MOSFET's. The mid's and hi's in MOSFET's normally operate in what might be termed a "softer" mode. What speakers are you using and what are their characteristics? Will the Emotiva's triple Darlington configuration make any difference to what you can hear? I am still waiting to hear from Emotiva's support personnel. Their head of sales did forward my request to the tech staff.
Emotiva was forthcoming about their circuit design adding more detail per my inquiries. All seems very reasonable. If you want more detail about bipolar audio circuit behavior check this out: www.soundwesthost.com. Go to main article index and look up amplifier basics. There's an easy to understand article about bipolar and mosfet circuits and behavior. If I needed an amp I would likely give the Emotiva XPA 2 a try. At $699 during the holiday sale it is a good buy anyway you look at it. I have seen blog entries about little problems here and there like a hum sound (transformer, ground loop or?), but that's what your 5 year warranty is for. And finally, I have a sticker in the rear window of my car that reads: "Driver carries no cash. He spent it all on audio equipment!" Good luck!
Nordic, I have a MOSFET amp here, an old Hafler, and they shake out very much as you suggest.
There was a link on the Emotiva Lounge in which several owners reported 'clicking' coming from one or both of the mono blocks. Emotiva tech said it was loose screw but none of those have the problem could fix it. I do not know what to deduce as it does interfere with the sound. But it will prevent me from buying the xPA 1's..Am I wrong? Utley
Sorry: The clicking DOES NOT interfere with sound and comes from the heat sinks. It is frequent but the owners get used to it and are still pleased with their purchase.