Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
Re: sound from heat sinks. I contacted Emotiva about this. The tech said they consider this normal operating behavior in the aluminum heats sinks. My old Bryston 2B never did this and my current power amp, a Hafler 9180, doesn't either. I guess it depends on how loud this is and how long it persists once the sinks are warmed up.
Here is an idea. If Bryston has a 20 yr. warranty, are they saying their products won't last that long?
The thread was about the XPA 1 on EMotiva lounge...It being a 'differential amp' with different circuitry. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted the amps, (the warranty means little when you are shipping 90 lb amplifiers) But I have not knowledge to question their construction techniques....But it should have turned up in the check out period or they were following blindly, another company's schematic Otherwise the $1700 holiday price is a 'gift'