Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
I've never listened to any Emotiva, but I have to wonder, at that price how would something like a McCormack DNA-1 compare? These and other reputable amps are available in that range. For me, Longevity isn't the issue, just sheer sound quality. Any comparison with some quality value price pre owned amps.
As I posted earlier in this thread, I was debating the same thing. I did end up picking up a McCormack DNA-1 Rev. A, which cost me several hundred more dollars than a XPA-2, here on Audiogon. Have not received it yet, but will report my findings.
If the MSRP was $20,000, and was put together by gurus in a garage in California, you would all be calling it the best thing since sliced bread.
Anybody else find these long threads in which the OP never reappears strange? I mean, it's the OP's prerogative as to any further participation, but just seems odd. I'm glad for the thread, because I had the same question.
Sorry Rok but your response does not address the question of quality control and thoughtful construction.. But on the other hand I do not want to pay a company 60% over their costs.....I will probably buy the bloody thing.