Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
Nordic587, nice to hear you had a chance to audition the XPA-2. What you describe is on par with what I've heard, for the most part in my setup.

With that said, in my setup I've noticed some grain in the highs. I' will be auditioning the XPA-2 with a Conrad Johnson Classic SE and see if that gets me where I want to be...
Elem, I've noticed some very faint grain in the highs of my XPA-2. (My old Hafler, by way of contrast, is grainless, with the rounder MOSFET sound.)
I can't even express how happy I am... So much more alive, organic, truly amazing! I decided to add the Peachtree iDac, and the CJ Classic SE Pre.

It makes all the difference. I acheived exactly what I was looking for out of the XPA-2. I am very satisfied right now, I'm going to enjoy this moment...
Right! Sit back and enjoy your music. Sounds like the move you made is working for ya! This is what it's all about.
compare the hafler 500 upgrade and Emotiva xpa-2 the xpa-2 it was better clear detail soundstage the only problem it was missing the tightness