845 recommendations from actual experience

What 845s do you recommend, and why?

Sound quality, durabilty, price are the obvious considerations. But I'd like to settle on THE one to use with my VIVA Auroras.

Currently still using Sino 845s which is what Amedeo Schembri (designer of the amp) used to recommend.
You can experiment with the newer Chinese exotics and the KR 845, but the day-in-day-out 845 of choice is the Shuguang 845B graphite plate, modeled on the vintage Amperex. I bought backup tubes but my 845Bs are going over 6 years, sounding great, no problems, test well.

Usual disclaimer about KR 845s: their filament current specs are not according to the original 845 specs, these tubes will go south quickly, unless the amplifier is modified.
The marvelous Viva Aurora need full spec 845 tubes because they fully exploit the 845 tube.
KR tubes and plain Shuguang are not full spec tubes.
Shuguang 845B is the best value for money and great sounding.

Also waiting for future test with Psvane 845t.