pass labs xa30 to valve amplifier.

hi all, i have the above amplifier direct to droplet cd player and zingali 20.6 ( i think thats model number) , chord anthem 2 xlr and epic speaker cable. no preamp as droplet has volume control.

ive been thinking of valve amps recently, but have never been able to hear one. the pass is excellent but i was wondering how a valve amp would change the sound. would a valve one have the same level of clarity and detail? i have heard valve amps offer a more laid back, spacial sound, with emphasis on soundstage? wht kind of price range should i be looking at to better the pass? any thought?
You cannot go wrong w an Atma-sphere or a VAC (based on what I have heard at my home). The EAR and Almarra gear is very highly regarded but I have never heard it. I'm a big fan of a very good pre-amp but one step at a time. If you are concerned about running the droplet straight into the Atma, drop an email to member Atmasphere, the designer and owner of the company. He can be depended upon for very good, impartial advice. Also member Trelja is v. familiar with the Consonance line and also will give you good advice. IMO, the Atma amps are not very tube-like in terms of the lush, romantic midrange people think of when they deride tube amps as colored. They are outstanding and the only amp I ever had that I regret selling (will get a pair of M-60s back here someday; so many amps, so little time!)
Thanks for the reply. The picture on the site for the s30 shows connections at front. i will clear this with the uk dealer. id want the latest version. i have a chord anthem 2 xlr 1.5 metre that will just make it, i think. i guess if if they are in front you run cables under the amp? if its too short, ill have some work adjusting heavy duty wood shelves in a chimney alcove..

yes, cables at the back would have looked tidier. if the amp is not too deep, it shouldnt be an issue for me.

hi, thank for the information. how would you decribe the sound? im going to arrange a demo loan of s30, but would be interested to know your view on the sound. the vac is something i was considering too,( based on advise here from people good enough to spare some time- never heard the name before) but the dealers very far and it would be a purchase without listening unless he agrees to send a demo amp on deposit. of the two, which would you prefer?

thank you
Like I said, if an OTL can drive your speaker, it is going to beat and tube amp with transformer IME. The M60s replace the CAT JL2s which they are many folks that consider it one of the very best high powered tube amps available; and I do think the CAT will drive speakers that would leave the OTL panting for breath, the transformers do serve a purpose afteal. But with my speakers that have a smooth and highish input impedance, the M60s drove me to the sell the CAT - something I never, ever, thought I would do.

Alfa, because he might very prefer it, even he loves the XA30.5s, which there is every reason in the world to love, but there is a reason so many audio loonies love tubes - try 'em, you just may like them - maintenance and all.
thank you for the response. im pretty sure my zingalis will be able to be driven by the s30. i will double check with the dealer. with 30 watts from the pass it can go really loud.

yes, lots of people have moved over to them in the uk too , it seems. i dont know anyone personally though, so its really good to get advise and pointers here. dealers , of course, only carry a very limited number of products so of course they would not recommend other products they do not deal in.
