Tube amp decision - Thoughts

Looking for a synergistic connection. I have, IMO, a very good setup. But I believe I errored in one important aspect. I always wanted a ruler flat response. I believe I achieved that. Great recordings sound great. But the majority of recordings seem to sound a bit thin in our system. Not to others audiophile types but I have to admit now that impact has got to be part of the quotient for greater enjoyment.

I have a pair of rather efficient Tyler Acoustic Decades. They sound very accurate as they're reputed to be and most folks run tube amps with them, perhaps to warm them up a bit.
My system consists of a Pass labs X350.5 which has played stellar through Dynaudio, MBL and AV123 Line Arrays.
An Allnic L3000 preamp really makes this system sing in 3D.
Sources are a VPI Scoutmaster and a modified Oppo BDP83SE backed by a BDP95 in stock form. A lot of attention has been paid to my AC.

It's all well and good but my family and I feel that it lacks impact and warmth with a lot of "modern" CD's or streamed FLAC files. I have Def Techs in our TV room which having built-in subs are pretty fun to listen to if not so transparent and refined. But it did drive home a weakness (perceived)in our 2 channel setup.

Having visited many audio shows, my wife and I always seemed to love the rooms with Prima Luna Dialogue amps playing in them. Of course they are generally partnered with NOLA speakers. That seemes to be an amazingingly synergistic combination. Rogue Audio amps as well seemed to captivate us. But there are a lot of great tube amps out there. Thus the post.

I'm going to build a pair of LS-9 line arrays. I owned the LS6's and sold them some time ago. These are also tube friendly speakers.

So given a $5500 dollar budget new or used, where to go?

Thanks for your responses.
Those are some great suggestions - thanks.

My plan is to build a set of line arrays, the LS9's from Danny Richie. These are also tube friendly speakers.

I like the Decades and have already spoken with Tyler regarding an upgrade to Woodmeres. That's a $4K upgrade and I'm on the other side of the country with no boxes so it's expensive and complicated.

I know it's a problem with synergy. The Decades are great speakers but probably not designed for Rock & Roll. We listen to everything from Radiohead to Sia, Clapton to Indie, Brazilian to classical. We miss what the line arrays gave us in terms of low bass. Plus, I always wanted to build a set of speakers even though it is in kit form and has all the wood CNC cut and all the parts, drivers and crossovers to fully assemble.

So I'll end up with 2 sets of BIG speakers and one will have to go.

Hybrid are interesting. Always wanted to try the Butler amps which are a bit of a hybrid. Or is it hybred?

We love looking deep into the recording but want the impact of the musical event. Female vocals are especially important as we listen to a lot of female artists.

The Prima's would probably be a better choice than the Rogues. I see a number of Cary 120's on the market. Interesting.

The Allnic amps are crazy expensive! I'm lucky to have that pre! It's not going anywhere.

Thanks again for your responses.
Hi Desalvo55 -
Why would the Primaluna's be a better choice than Rogue?

Have you been able to compare different models to each other?
I've read a lot of good advice on this thread - especially the idea of using EL84s, and great product and service of Quicksilver Audio (though no EL84 amps).

I do wonder if moving to the Class A Pass XA.5 might bring you some of what you are looking for? For me it is the brand that I could live with as a tube guy - not tubes, but one hell of a great amp line.

Might be that with your speakers 30 watts may be enough, the XA30.5 is very conservatively rated.
Lougiants - No direct comparison. In fact, the room with the PrimaLuna's were using NOLA speakers. That's hardly fair. It was a great combination. Thus the discussion. I'm an newbie to tube amps and love the feedback I'm getting.

My Pass just sold and so did my ATI. Got a lot of shipping to do. But now I'm ampless, well, except for my HT Arcam 7 channel. One should have such problems.

No worries, no hurry. 12 week wait for my cartridge to get rebuilt after Jr removed the needle...

The Pass company has customer service that rival Nuforce. Can't get better than those 2 companies. So Pass wouldn't be out of the question.

But I would like to experience tube amplication.
Just to be clear, the tube amp is intended for the LS9s or the Decade, or both? Which model of the Decade do you own?