best chinese tube amp under $1k?

i just placed an order for the Tekton M-Lore which are 95dB
i plan to use a peachtree idecco as a dac/pre and now looking to pickup a tube amp, i know the chinese tube amps represent excellent value so if someone could suggest one to me that'd be great
A few years back Chinese gear was a bargain. Good price and fair quality.

With the advent of higher quality products coming out of Vietnam, South Korea, etc. Chinese stuff is both overpriced and a crap shoot.

Primaluna is manufactured in China.

Jolida and Antique Sound labs are some other choices.
I can vouch for Primaluna and Jolida being good sounding and well-built gear and I have used both with Tekton Lore and 4.5s. Nice match, must tube-roll to get best sound.
I'll second the Eastern Electric stuff as well. You could also check out Almarro 205s (Japanese), Sophia Baby, Xindak...I