Mcintosh with Ayre pre-amp

I have always wanted a Mcintosh power amp and love the way they sound, but I don't know if it would pair well with my Ayre K-5xe preamp. I haven't been able to find anyone with this combination. Maybe this is an indicator that mixing Ayre with Mcintosh is a bad idea? Before I drop a few G's on a Mac amp, what would you guys advise? Thanks.
I guess it would help if i told you what Mcintosh power amps I'm interested in. That would be the Mc 252 and Mc 302.
Not sure I've seen McIntosh and Ayre combo either. Perhaps Ayre owners prefer Ayre and McIntosh prefer McIntosh.

Ask you dealer to loan you one of the amps and then make a decision afterwards.

Cfaille what speakers?
Klipsch RF7II. Yea they are highly sensitive, but the amps I'm using now are 250wpc and these speakers like power, believe me. 70wpc doesn't cut it.