ss replacement for my SET tubes and Egglestons?

I love the sound of my current amps (Audio Mirror 45 Watt SET monoblocks) with my speakers (EgglestonWorks Fontaine) but would prefer I get the same/near same sound with an ss amp for $2500 (used/new). Any Eggleston (or similarly built) owners out there think this is possible? (Tube pre is Mapletree 2A SE; also have pair of ACI Titan powered subs.) Reason for considering is not audio quality based, but for a more convenient and worry free set up. I'd love to play my rig several hours per day without the maintenance and worry of power tubes.
Hi Charles,

I agree that you would never swap-out a SET amp for a SS amp and think you were still listening to a SET amp.

But I am wondering whether a 'system' can have all the characteristics of a SET amp, while using a SS amp. Emphasis on the whole system.

Would you please elaborate on the DHT type sound and how in compares to solid state? How would you describe it and why could it not be reproduced? How would it differ from other tubed designs?
I was just speaking in general terms,within the SET universe there are numerous variations i.e. 845/211 vs 300b vs 2A3 etc. Even within the 'same' output tube family there`re further stradifications in sound presentation.

My point is DHT tubes do sound different from the IDHT-pentode(even when strapped as a triode) and of course tubes vary vs transistors(which have their individual characters).I just don`t believe you can make something that it is`nt. I don`t know how one could configoure a system(regardless of effort) to duplicate what is innately different. If it`s possible that news to me.
I have listened to a lot of gear and never thought you could find what Rockadanny seeks, so is it possible? If yes, I'd be interested too.