Tube recommendation for Audio Research LS-2b?

Should I stick with the OEM Sovtek 6922s? Or is there something else I should consider? TIA
Try a Amperex Orange Globe, I always keep going back to them and they are affordable, if you wanna spluge a Telefunken 6922. I have a bunch of OG's A frame Dimple disc and O getters, $20 lemme know if you want 1.
Sovtek 6922 as the original tube in your LS-2 did not sound right to me, so I did a little research and as I suspected the original tube was a Chinese 6DJ8. As I recall it was actually a 6DJ8H. My favorite tube in the Audio Research hybrid preamps back then was a 6DJ8H from Penta Labs. I recall Audio Research explaining the preamp is biased for that specific tube and in order to properly use a different type of 6DJ8/6922 a bias adjustment is required. Without the correct tube or the proper bias adjustments the sound would become dull. Bias is adjusted by changing resistors to achieve the proper settings.
I have a ARC LS22 that I use sometime and use to use the LS2B. If you want a nice improvement and not spend big, try these. They work very nicely in the ARC gear.

These are also very nice sounding in my ARC gear.

If you don't mind spending a little money.

I also like the Amprex 7308's but they also are quite expensive now.