Tube recommendation for Audio Research LS-2b?

Should I stick with the OEM Sovtek 6922s? Or is there something else I should consider? TIA
I have a ARC LS22 that I use sometime and use to use the LS2B. If you want a nice improvement and not spend big, try these. They work very nicely in the ARC gear.

These are also very nice sounding in my ARC gear.

If you don't mind spending a little money.

I also like the Amprex 7308's but they also are quite expensive now.
The Chinese 6DJ8 drew a bit more heater current then the standard Russian 6922 if my memory serves me. So a different value resistor was used for the Chinese tube. The Chinese tube was stock at the time that preamp was manufactured.
I had an LS 2b. Have a LS 5b as a backup pre

You really need warm tubes for the LS2

nos telefunkens,mullards and amperex from the sixties worked like a charm for me
I own also a ls22 and i measured that my EI ecc88 have a fillament
current togheter of 1.6A[incl.relay circuit].that is already to high for 1.5A max.LM317!For example a 7308 have more current than that.