Cary 805 C or 805 AE?

I have decided to buy the Cary 805 monoblocks and now have two used on the hand.

One is the Cary 805 C mk II which is about 10 years old and with the 6SL7 input tube (only one) and without the possibility to change between the 845/211 tubes (this feature is not important to my since my speakers have a sensitivity of 107db and I don’t need the extra power that the 211 tubes can give).

The other is the Cary 805 AE which is about 2,5 years old with the dual 6SN7 input tubes.

There is a 2000 dollar price difference and I’m wondering if it’s worth the extra bucks. Instead I would rather spend the money on buying quality tubes like Sophia Electric.

So if anyone has experience in the difference between the two with 845 tubes please share.

Yes, there is space for the Mundorf gold silver oil caps. I put them in both my 805C and 805AE amps. I believe my tech replaced all the resistors. Not sure how many there are, sorry. If you need the info really bad I could look up my receipts.
Hmm Paul "new iron" I remember when VTL went to bifilar As i remember custom to deluxe. They claimed full power bandwidth. When I heard the improvement to my 300s I thought naah, Ill stay right where I'm at. Made a good tube amp sound like an OK sand amp. Although that was a pp amp, could the change be simular in a dhSET?

All others; mundorf silver in oil or silver/gold in oil? I too want to throw money.
Hey Brf, I`m in southern Ontario and was wondering who did the work on your Carys? I would like to get mine upgraded so any additional info would be great!
Thanks in advance.