Why shutting down?

I have a Yamaha A/V HTR-5890, runs from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes, then clicks off. I have had it for a couple of years, no changes. I run a 10" Klipsch sub, Chorus Klipsch speakers, along with some older duel 12" MTX's, and a older smaller Advent's for surround speakers. It has never run hot, this is my shop system, so it's colder out there then inside.
In older Yamaha integrated units that used the output MOSFET based ICs they would often get separated from the heat sink. You can see heat sink compound shipping off and even mounting screw is loose(often due to Chinese manufacturing defects of automated production).
I would unscrew heat sinks, clean them and output devices and than connect them back together reapplying again heat-sink compound.
I would also suspect insufficient heat sink area pathologically in many Yamaha units. Try to place fan next to chassis and see how it will behave. Some of the units have fan placed next to head sink area that also may malfunction and cause such shut downs.
There are connectors inside(just like in PC) all Yamaha PCBs that will allow you to connect a fan as another option.
Yamahas also shut down when they have unmatched impedance as well.
MOSFET ICs used in Yamaha require speakers not to dip bellow 4Ohms.
you have to check 3 things: Ac power, speaker wiring or Ac problem.
Disconnect speakers and see if the same happens.