CD direct to monobloks?

I have a Shnaling SCD-T200 and a couple of Rotel Rb-1091 monobloks. According to the Shanling manual it is possible to connect directly the CD to the amps without a preamplifier since the CD has the capability of a variable output via it´s remote control. Is this a good idea? Will I miss some sound quality with this setup? OTOH I have a Primare integrated amp with a variable pre out output, Can I use the variable pre out output to feed the monobloks? As for a preamplifier all I got is an old adcom GTP-350. Any comments out there? Thanks in advance for your input.
Well I tried the variable output from the Primare I21, the sound was thin and compressed. Then I feed the amps direct from the Shanling, with the same result. In the end the best sound I got is from the pre Adcom GTP-350. Not bad all all! Still I wonder if I could get a better sound with a best new/used preamplifier, since the Adcom is an old and basic pre. Any suggestions about a pre that could match the monobloks? Any help from Rotels owners would be very much appreciated.
03-12-12: Westborn
A quality tube preamp is the most important component in the audio chain.

I had this experience when I upgraded to a Nagra PL-L last year.
I assume you have tried the cdp direct to the integrated? If not, why not? It very well may be your best combination.
Douglas I did try the cd direct option and the sound was thin and compressed. Besides the level of cdp output run out pretty quik!
I have always tried to run direct from cdp to amp(s) and always came back to having a preamp. As far as which one you should chose for your Rotels is easy, the Rotel that is from the same series as your amps. IME brands can be interchanged with sources and the like but the pre and amp combo is usually better within same brand and if possible series.