Any way to reduce pre-amp noise floor?

I have had my CJ ET3-SE tubed pre-amp for about a year now. When my system (McCormack DNA 500 amp, Esoteric X-05 CD, Aerial 10T speakers) is on and the CJ is set to "0" volume there is dead silence. However once I move the volume to to any level above zero ( no music playing, of course!) I hear a very soft but audible white noise. When I return the volume to zero the noise vanishes. This concerns me because I suspect that once the music begins to play, this noise floor becomes part of the overall sound.

This is my first "separates" system so I'm not sure if this is just a standard preamp phenomanon or if it is perhaps a sonic signature of CJ or if there is some real issue that needs to be fixed or can be tweaked. Any comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I also have a et3se and have the same problem with the hiss. It is loud enough to hear clearly from the listening position. Where do you get NOS 1960 Amprex 7308 tube?
Good luck finding them. They are somewhat rare and expensive. The majority of ones available now are pulls from old tube scopes, and old military test equipment. Remember, noise is a function of not only the s/n ratio of your equipment, but also the sensitivity of your speakers and gain as well.
For NOS the Amperex are my favorite 6922 followed by the Siemens. Supply can only go down and price most likely will keep rising so I'd say get em while you can.

I've been using current production Genalex Gold Lion 6922 in my CJ ART and have been very happy with them. Even though they are Russian, they sound more like the Amperex. The EH (sometimes Sovtek) is what CJ ships with. They are okay but I prefer the above for my tastes.

The JJ's have a nice tone and they are cheap but I'd have one or two get weak on me in short time. I did like them though so I would just buy a few extras with each batch of 10.

But so far the Genalex's are the ones that are doing it for me it tone and longevity. I buy them from Jim McShane at