Your favorite SET amp? Wavac EC-300B...

I've been drooling over the Wavac EC-300B stereoamp for the past few weeks. I would like to audition them, but the $25k price tag is keeping me away. If they were around $15-$16k, I would seriously consider them.
If you can afford $16k, stretch just a bit for Audion Golden Dream 300B PSET monoblocks. For a step dow in cost, Audion Black Shadow 845 SET monoblocks.

+1 on the Wavelength Cardinals. Love the way they sound with my Shindo Masseto, the combo making sublime music with my Auditorium 23 Solovox speakers.
My understanding is the actual sound of SET amps is perhaps the most variable of any amp type, based largely on their relative high harmonic distortion measurements and how a particular design actually distorts accordingly. Also the potential cost for producing those few precious watts varies widely as well.

So I wonder where the point of diminishing returns is with SET amps? How much should a really good one really cost? How much of the cost with some is due to the brand name or other boutique-like factors? Do the better ones really distort less, or just in a more desirable way for whatever reason?

Given the variability, does one really end up paying for better sound, or just a specialized favorite flavor of SET sound?

Also I wonder which brands are reliable over teh long term and require less maintenance to keep running optimally.

IS there such a thing as a vanilla sounding SET? OR do they all have more distinct flavors of sound compared to other kinds of amps and real life music or sound based on how they distort?

Or is it more that some prefer a certain more esoteric flavor of sound and a SET amp is the design that perhaps has the best chance of delivering it?

Of course, most SET amps are way cool looking IMHO so I would expect that visual aesthetics is a big part of the equation in choosing a SET.