Yamaha AS2000 - balanced input

I connected my PS Audio dac to a recently purchased Yamaha AS2000 integrated amp using the balanced connections and was disappointed to hear some audible distortion. The PS Audio dac has an output voltage of 5V though the balanced outputs and according to the Yamaha manual the AS2000 has a maximum input signal of 2.8V.

Are the dac's balanced outputs too hot for the amp and causing the distortion?

Is there a way to attenuate the dac's output with attenuators or modifying the dac, or would that affect sound quality? The amp sounds great with unbalanced connections, but I was hoping to take advantage of the balanced inputs since the amp and dac are both balanced.
Hi Johsti.

Did you have any answer from Yamaha? I'm using the Yamaha A-S2000 with the Musical Fidelity M1DAC and the MacMINI. Sometimes i can hear some distortion.The balanced output of the M1DAC is rated to 4.4v. It seems that if I reduce the gain with the mac mini(Amarra 2.4.1), the distortion is less frequent.
Yes, Yamaha did respond and simply confirmed that the balanced input couldn't accommodate a source with a 5V output. They did not clarify how much the maximum input was, but the manual says 2.8V.
Has anyone using this amp found a good balanced dac that has an output of 2.8v or less? I'd like to buy a nice dac and use the balanced outs on my unit, so I was wondering what people here were using. Any recommendations? Benchmark looks like it has an adjustable output?