Tube Preamp for possible Bryston 4B SST2 amp

Any suggestion on a match appreciated. Thinking of the Modwright LS-100, but not sure if the electronics line up.
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I have the 4B SST2 for my bass speakers in a tramped system and use a Mystere CA21 tube preamplifier. Works great together.
Lloyddelee21: I would say the treble of the 4B-SST2 (all squared models) is superior to former bryston amps.

I do not have a lot of experience with many other amps.
My former amp was a Forte'4a (which has an excellent body of reviews stating it is a great little amp)

I am a high frequency nut. the Hf has to be perfect or I am not interested. I have to say the Brystom fulfills my every need.

When I auditioned it twice over several hours, listening to my own CDs.. i found the treble to be exquisite.
All the clarity and purity i demand from my equipment.
I am totally happy with the amp in my system.

The Bryston preamp is fine too. just i sort of wish i HAD bought my first wish, a used ARC REF3.
Just because I like ARC stuff too. At this point i do not have the extra cash to wast selling the Bryston and buying an ARC. And I am really happy with the sound anyway, and have NO IDEA if i would love the sound as much with an ARC REF3 in thesetup. Crazy hey.
Hello Maleja,

Quite some time ago a friend bought my BAT 5i to use with his Bryston driving Thiels 3.7's. It was a nice improvement over the ARC preamp he had at the time.

Thanks, Elizabeth. I think the Forte 4 was an amazing amp and after all these years remains in my all time great list. Far better, imho, than the forte 5. There was a sweetness, tonality and grainless quality in comparison that the Forte 4 had which was memorable. So with that in mind, i can calibrate your post about the 4BSST2...thank you! Good to know. If i ever get a chance, i know now to make sure give them a listen. Enjoy!