Fast power cables?


I'm looking for recommendations for powerful, fast, power cables to run my Jadis JA100's.
I'm now using Shunyata Python's which work very well but would be interested to try something quicker.

If you don't have experiences with Jadis gear, I'd be also very interested to hear about your experiences with power cables and other amps.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Ah Arh, but (of course) there are power cables with PRAT! Breath in deeply and you will believe! (or not).

Right, fast power cables. Funny stuff.
One way to know for sure(you can even do this with any shielded
#1 Remove the female ends on the cables you want to compare
#2 Before plugging the male end into a normal wall socket or dedicated line,have a friend insert the male end into the receptacle for you while you hold the bare end.
Hopefully he has the male end right at the receptacle so insertion would be a split second at most.

By trying this,I doubt if you can tell which cable is faster.
There is no doubt that power is critical for good sound. Just look at the extensive efforts that go into designing the power supply in amplifiers. I too am skeptical and have used different power cables to see what all the fuss was about. However this was after I had a dedicated circuit installed. I am honest and I did not here significant changes. It's possible that the PCs I used were not fancy enough but somehow I sincerely doubt it. I used Audience, Cardas, Various Custom made Ferrite shielded numbers from Subaruguru ( I think he left the audio scene) and even Custom made silver PCs.
Hey, all the red necks with the cynical comments, either be funny and smart, which you are far from, or just go look for other threads to be dumb about.