Solid State Amplification for Devore Nines?

Any devore nine owners here using SS amplification with these speakers and loving it? I don't want to deal with the heat or expense of tubes.

I listen to classical/vocals/electronic, and I am rather sensitive to shrill treble. My budget is $5k.
Mr. Devore has demoed their speakers with amazing sound results using a Burmester integrated amp.
Try a modwright kwi 200.youll be glad you did.(just kidding).Right in your budget,200 a side(8ohms).I am really impressed with this unit,could have gone with anything..solid performer,great customer sevice.
Old YBA Passion Integre...unbelievable sound...grab it second hand if you can...also YBA Design amp is also excellent. Of course not as good as the Passion but much cheaper.