Looking for best $1000 tube power amp

Hi everyone,

I'm completely new to the speaker world and speaker amps as well. That said, I'm looking for a tube power amp.

New or Used

Other components: MHDT Havana (NOS Tube DAC), Decware CSP2 Tube Pre-Amp (I can nix this and add $1000 to the budget for both a Pre AND power or integrated; not preferred though since I like its HP amp.)

Price range: $1000 for only power amp($2000 *ONLY* if there's a massive, NOT merely incremental upgrade in that range)

If nixing the CSP2 pre-amp, $2000 for Pre AND power, $3k if there's a massive upgrade.

Favored sound: Musicality, euphony, emotional involvement. Lushness, smoothness, whatever you'd think of when you hear the word tubes. I could honestly give a rat's ass about accuracy.

Setup: Small rooms, 1200cu ft. Plan to play at moderately high volumes (-15dB to -10dB from reference)

Speakers: Do not have yet; most in consideration are bookshelf 8ohm and at the least sensitive, 85.5db. That said, I'd prefer a amp with wide compatibility unless if it comes at a cost of worse SQ or inability to play at decent volume.

Thanks guys!
I'm not familiar with your other components. But look at used Conrad Johnson & VTL power amps w/in your budget. Even a used VTL ST85 could give you the Lushness you want, if you don't need a lot of power. Modern C-J's can be more "accurate". Add Cary to the list if there's anything available in your budget.

For tube-friendly speakers, consider Merlins.....
Since you have a Decware Pre and prefer musicality and emotional involvement, I would recommend a Decware Mini Torii or one of their other amps and a pair of high efficiency speakers. I wish I had gone that route from the beginning. Its much harder and much more expensive to get a more musical pairing than you can get with a low powered tube amp or a SET amp and HE Speakers.
06-23-12: Phaelon
The best $1000 tube power amp will be the one your speakers love.

Well said!!!