Balanced vs Non-Balanced XLR?

Hi All,

need some advice here. I am looking for an int amp with XLR input, I read that int amp with XLR input could be of true balance design or of not true balanced design.

I got a reply from a manufacturer on their amp design:
The balanced input is true balanced, in so far as the electronics inside the amp takes the balanced signal and converts it electronically to a single ended signal for amplification purposes in the correct manner. All our amplifiers are 'traditional' single ended designs, not fully balanced designs, so the balanced signal inputs and outputs are all electronically modified to suit the balanced cable and signal requirements.


what does it means, in term of performance, to me as an end-user if i am using the XLR input of the amp? does it mean there will be no difference between XLR and RCA inputs for the amp?

Thank in advance
Well the input voltage will be double using the XLR inputs.
If you have too much gain, better to use the RCA.

The current 'fade' of having XLR inputs and outputs is mostly a fad.
If one owrks better than the oter for you, fine.

Few components actually are true fully balanced from input to output.

I use balanced from preamp to my amp mostly because it is 7 meters long cable.
Don't forget about common noise rejection. I use balanced XLR throughout the whole rig even in analogue(swapped RCAs to to 5-din XLR).
The input voltage not always will be doubled. There are components that have XLR outputs that are not balanced. The truly balanced components have standard output voltage and decreased voltage from optional RCA outputs by 4dB so you won't overkill if you use XLR even onto the high-gain amp.
Sonically I can't and won't go back to RCA since i don't have to care much about wire quality.
I use atlas elektra xlr between krell kav500i and technics cd player sl-p2000 and agree with Marakanetz,don't wanna go back to rca.Quality of sound increased,less noise ,more gain
one more thing,I made xlr from rca,just because i found out that rca atlas elektra was balanced cable