conrad johnson GAT vs ACT 2 series 2

Have any agoners had listening experience with these 2 preamps that would allow you to share your thoughts about the differences between them? i have never seen a comparison. thanks ray
You may want to go to It's a site dedicated solely for CJ onwers and members may be able to offer some insight into their experiences as well. I use more vintage equipment, PV12 and an Evolution 2000 amp, but I love the CJ sound.
Not sure if this is too late. I had the original ACT2, ACT2.2 and then the current GAT.

The ACT2 back then was the most neutral preamp I had ever owned. It was smooth, quiet, and with good detail, great micro dynamic, and big soundstage. Nothing special. Overall a very nice preamp.

The ACT2.2 (that I bought, not upgraded from the original) had more detail than the original. The ACT2.2 was a bit more dynamic and more transparent midrange. Transient attack was quicker and sharper. The original ACT2 was reticent and polite in comparison in the transient response department.

Now comes the GAT. Compared to both the ACT2 and ACT2.2, it is way more dynamic, huge soundstage, extremely extended and smooth highs, incredibly transparent across the whole spectrum, deeper and stronger bass, more body and texture for the instruments, the lowest noise floor of the three. Detail is quite close to the ACT2.2; but the detail is easier to notice with the GAT due to its ultra transparency. Jonathan Valin's review on the GAT was right on. I agreed with him.

To me, the dynamics, especially macro dynamics, and transient response are jaw dropping with the GAT. So far I can't find any fault with this great preamp.
Hi Audiolui,

Totally agree with you. I would add, also having owned ACT 2, that the GAT's treble is another league entirely. i remember upon first bringing the ACT2 home (which i enjoyed immenseley) that the treble was stiff...i eventually forgot about it as i got used to the other beautiful elements of the ACT2.

Once the GAT came in, the treble of the ACT2 seemed downright chilly, not just stiff. Almost strident in comparison (almost). The GAT's treble to my ear is that beautiful, fluid, and yet far more nuanced, detailed and yes, way more extended.

Enjoy yours!
Agreed. I went from act2.2 to gat and the gat made the act's treble seem quite shrill/strident. Gat is a lot more natural, delicate with more body and a lot more gutsy bass. The sound is warmer and less steely. Also the gat makes far better sense of everything. Going back to the act2.2 it can actually sound muddled with some music compared to the gat. There is a big difference between the two imo/ime. Very different sounding preamps.