Significant difference??

I'm debating between th new Marantz 7007 and the Denon 3313. I know the companies are under one roof but is the a sound and performance difference??
Thanks for the info. I'm hoping some will share their thoughts on sound difference in performance. I'm thinking of getting a good receiver Togo with the new oppo 103......maybe the Marantz 7007 or the Denon 3313. Any ideas?? And what about McIntosh
If you are looking for a surround sound processor and don't care about HDMI then I would suggest looking for a McIntosh MX119. You won't get the HDMI inputs or the HD video switching but it would probably be better anyway if you run your HDMI directly into your TV. For audio let the Blu-ray player decode the HD sound via the Analog 7.1 outputs to the 7.1 inputs on the McIntosh. These usually sell for right at 2K or less and like all McIntosh gear, it was built like a tank. For solid state it is a wonderful sounding Pre/Pro.
I too am in the boat. my dealer just got the av 7701 from marantz in, he also has a used anthem d2. i run everything through hdmi. PS3 to receiver( using the preouts) to amp and hdmi directly to projector. the dealer seems to want me to get the anthem and let the playstation do the decoding. but the anthem has only hdmi 1.1 and the rest of my gear is 1.3. also the anthem cannot do dts master or dolby true hd. but i guess it would have to if the playstation did it.

i can get the marantz for 1500 and the anthem for 3000. i was also leaning toword the marantz...

what to do.

if you get the marantz please post your thoughts as thee are not reviews yet.
