Here’s my $1750…just tell me what to buy..

my old adcom gfa 555II died. I’m still using my old B&W 804 Matrix and I think I just fixed my old Lexicon DC-1, so….

someone just tell me what to do….my ADD is breaking up my marriage, as Ive been at dozens of sites, read hundreds of posts, which are just confusing me..

I’d like to buy a 5 channel amp as my rear speakers are CDM-1 from B&W ( yeah, theyre old too!)

I spend all day in the Operating Room, doing surgery, and I’d love to have someone else make a decision for me for a change..

I would try to track down some McCormack DNA amps. I just picked up an DNA-1 and it is a great piece. Sounds more like music than anything I have had before.....built like a tank and still sup0pored by the designer. The DNA-.5 amps are going for <$500 on EBay.
Rotel has always made some very good mulitchannel amps. They don't cost a fortune, either. Also, B&w and Rotel are one company, so you can be fairly certain that it will be a good match for your speakers. I think Parasound would be another excellent choice.
I think you should try the Emotiva and spend the rest of your $$ on something else. You can not go wrong with the XPA-5 imo. I'm using Emotiva UPA-5 and it's truly a great sounding amp. You'll be amazed.
Marantz multichannel amps have sounded good to me, certainly better than the Adcom, and good support. Rotel and NAD are both contenders as well. Check Audio Advisor as they are running specials. Magnolia carries Maramtz and they have a good AV preamp AV7005 if you do multichannel. Versatile as you can watch concerts or movies, good WAF.
Marantz may not be the Stryker or Zimmer in your field, but not far away and closer than the price would indicate.
O the sweet smell of cautery......Jallen
As a Doc my self (not a surgeon) I am kinda surprised that an orthopedic surgeon wouldn't have more money than that to spend on an HT amp. Given his/her predictable income then whatever costs a lot in HT (I don't follow HT so don't know) is what you should recommend. The Krell multi channel amp and pre/pro or does McIntosh make one, that's the kind of income were talking about. It would be a very quiet morning indeed that didn't yied multiples of $1750.
Sorry about exposing you bonesnjnts.