Here’s my $1750…just tell me what to buy..

my old adcom gfa 555II died. I’m still using my old B&W 804 Matrix and I think I just fixed my old Lexicon DC-1, so….

someone just tell me what to do….my ADD is breaking up my marriage, as Ive been at dozens of sites, read hundreds of posts, which are just confusing me..

I’d like to buy a 5 channel amp as my rear speakers are CDM-1 from B&W ( yeah, theyre old too!)

I spend all day in the Operating Room, doing surgery, and I’d love to have someone else make a decision for me for a change..

I recommend the Pioneer Elite receivers. The SC series, with the class D3 amps sound fantastic, and have gobs of power. Plus they have Airplay built-in. Kids will live that! I'm very happy with mine. You can buy them new in box on eBay for $1,500 or less. Get the best one you can afford, and it will last for a decade.

10-10-12: Bonesnjnts
and i have 6 kids….

If you'd like, I can explain to you what causes that !!!!!
Mechans, your post is one of the most presumptuous I`ve seen on this site in some time.Do you know him personally?
If it was tongue in cheek,my apology.
mechans, we've already spent too much time responding to that post, but thanks for the thought..

i just looked at your system, looks beautiful and im sure sounds just as fine...maybe youre a neurosurgeon?

No just an out of work clinical pathologist. Sorry if I was a little to edgy. Honesly for the $1750 you can go to almost any HT store and get a decent unit. If you want more than it will need more effort not just investment monetarily. That is why I initially said go to a store and they will tell you what to get.,
If I tried to convince you of what I like separates not HT and all tube you would be spending time away from your kids or patients not great alternatives.