Here’s my $1750…just tell me what to buy..

my old adcom gfa 555II died. I’m still using my old B&W 804 Matrix and I think I just fixed my old Lexicon DC-1, so….

someone just tell me what to do….my ADD is breaking up my marriage, as Ive been at dozens of sites, read hundreds of posts, which are just confusing me..

I’d like to buy a 5 channel amp as my rear speakers are CDM-1 from B&W ( yeah, theyre old too!)

I spend all day in the Operating Room, doing surgery, and I’d love to have someone else make a decision for me for a change..

okay..i bought the emotiva and set it up last night.

the center channel on my system is now dead..using a lexicon dc-1 as processor...when i switch the bal to nonbal on the amp, it shorts out the amp...when i run the diagnostic from the processor, the center is dead...maybe i need to post in a different thread now

Yeah, step 1 should always be calling the manufacturer. They will be much more helpful than us on the threads.