Amplifier for Tekton speakers

I am looking for a tube amplifier to mate with Tekton Lore. Anyone has a successful story with your amp and Tekton Lore or similar?

My music tastes 80% with pop and easy listening jazz/soft rock.

Any directions or suggestions are appreciated.
What you have described about harshness on the high and little lack of mid-range warm with the stock tubes are exactly what I experience with mine system.

I will follow your recommendations, see if any Amperex EL84 availables... where did you get your Amperex EL84 tubes?
Interesting no one using SS amp yet. Anyone found a SS they prefer over valves with their Tekton's?

If you speak to Eric, you will find that he is partial to ss amps. I meant to ask him last time I spoke to him which solid state amps he preferred or what he uses.
Do not forget about the input/driver tube GE 5751 or Sylvania 5751 mentioned above they both make as much difference as the 84 tubes.
Nguyen, what speaker and interconnects are you using? I have used
Kimber 8TC speaker, PS Audio Statement, Goertz Alpha Core AG1, for
Interconnect, Cardas, Silnote Morpheus II, Alpha Core Sapphire silver.

I should also mention that I also have the Eastern Electric Mini Max DAC
currently connected. I haven't tried the Metrum Octave yet as it is currently
doing duty in my main system. I've been using the stock power cord.