$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please

hi, can anyone suggest tube preamp that's good for handling complex music & large scale symphonies recordings in studio/ theatres? i had audition some: Aesthetix, CJ ,Modwright, Audio Note, ARC but all seems lacking in some ways and definitely not enough air at top octaves and instruments separation/ spaciousness. all dealer agrees that some pre is good at certain genre of music and sound Great even more if music is relatively SIMPLE like vocal, jazz, light acoustic, slow rock and maybe pop songs. Yes i know personal taste varies as well: bass strength & high freq. extension etc. & gears matching too. could anyone share their expreience so i can narrow down a list? my music typically: Van Hellsing & Princess Mononoke movie soundtrack. hope dealers provide constructive comments. Thanks All in advance. -phil
A friend of mine was curious to hear my SET amplifier in his system(Atma-Shere MA-1 mono blocks). I must tell you the Atmasphere MP-I with my 300b SET was remarkable! The sound was transparent,very open, quite dynamic and fast. Yet at the same time there was a completeness of full body,tone and very 3-dimensional palpability. It was simply put, a synergistic match and left a lasting impression.Yes there was plenty of air,ambience and sense of space.

I can say that the VAC Signature is equally excellent(this is a wonderful componemt) with this same SET amplifier(another friend has a VAC system with Phi 300.1 mono blocks). So I feel both of these are world class and would suit your high expectations.They perform to a high standard across the full musical spectrum.

Phillip, the Coincident linestage is most definitely world class but is a different approach(minimalist) It`s just a single gain stage with two DHT tubes and has no resistor or capacitor in the signal path(interstage transformer instead). The transparency.air and openess is a supreme strength,yet it has great tone,body and dynamics and large scale effortlessness(exceptional).
Like I said earlier, all three of these preamps are truly top tier in rank and any of them would make you happy IMO.By the way all three of these companies offer first rate customer service.
- Lloydelee21, hi thanks for the compliments. i'm very very farmilar with Moon & YBA "house"sound. they have huge & airy soundstage. YBA been more fluid and forgiving but still retain detail in a sense that you got to hear "harder", overall presentation is more airy & relax than Moon which has slight warmth in midrange and present music in your room with details more noticeable. Do you know anything about Densen amps? they too are very powerful, anyone know its reliability and sonic qualities?
-Wilsynet, will checkout Hypex NC400/ NC1200 later.
-4musica44107,Alan :i'm going to try Shindo pre, thanks and good to know many also appreciate soundtracks, sometimes those composers didn't get the credits. anyway,keeping my fingers cross.
-Rhljazz, Charles1dad: i have faith in both you had said and already spoke to local dealer for audition.
-Morganc, is the Allnic sound charactertics near VTL or BAT? you had arouse my interest in ALLnic again as i had dropped it. keeping my options open, thanks.
-Grannyring, TRI dude is totally new to me, could you further describe with comparisons ? thanks
- Teajay, i'll read your reviews and judge accordingly. thanks for mentioning CF-080.
-just look at Symphonic Line website, in German! unable to find dealer contacts.
Have you considered or auditioned LAMM .....http://www.lammindustries.com/products.html

Here is their website.

Sorry I don't have time just now to give an exhaustive description of my recommendation, but I suggest you try to hear a Purity Audio Design preamp. I believe that the 'Reference' model is in that price range. My experience with the Ultra GT version is astonishing. I use large-scale symphonic music as one of the more stringent tests, and this preamp is 'it' for me. It has all the imaging qualities that one would expect, along with slam, separation, definition, and yet, grace, that one would hope for in one unit. Overall, the realism and 'presence' of this preamp will grip you. An additional benefit is the ability to tweak the sound by using different tube manufacturers for the (2) 12AU7 tubes. Another huge benefit is that Bill Baker, designer and owner of Response Audio, is one of the great guys in the business. You have been given many options here. If you are seriously interested in learning more about my experiences with my Purity Audio Design preamp, I will offer you my cell phone number for greater details of sonics. Good luck.