$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please

hi, can anyone suggest tube preamp that's good for handling complex music & large scale symphonies recordings in studio/ theatres? i had audition some: Aesthetix, CJ ,Modwright, Audio Note, ARC but all seems lacking in some ways and definitely not enough air at top octaves and instruments separation/ spaciousness. all dealer agrees that some pre is good at certain genre of music and sound Great even more if music is relatively SIMPLE like vocal, jazz, light acoustic, slow rock and maybe pop songs. Yes i know personal taste varies as well: bass strength & high freq. extension etc. & gears matching too. could anyone share their expreience so i can narrow down a list? my music typically: Van Hellsing & Princess Mononoke movie soundtrack. hope dealers provide constructive comments. Thanks All in advance. -phil
hi, thanks for all whom had contributed. i have more or less shrink down a list. could i ask your help again to Rank the tube preamp base on below qualities separately?

DETAIL: which has it as in you can hear more instruments & info not heard before, NOT referring to "detailness" quality of each note.
Veloce LS-1
Tron Syren II
AtmaSphere MP-1
Coincident Statement Linestage
VTL 6.5
Shindo Monbrison

RICHNESS: from upper midrange to high freq. emphasis on violin, cymbals, triangles, harp, trombone, higher octave of piano etc..

VTL 6.5
Veloce LS-1
Tron Syren II
AtmaSphere MP-1
Coincident Statement Linestage
Shindo Monbrison

i understand you may have heard in different setups, hence opinion conflicts is inevitable. perhaps, if you may, kindly also mention the partnering gears as well.
THANKS again ALL. i also hope the thread helps to assist GON members make their future preamp selection easier base on the strengh & weakness of the pre. -Phil
hey, i forget to mention CAT SL1 Legend as well, kindly include it in Ranking as well. thanks, -phil
The qualities that you list are the extraordinary strengths of the Coincident linestage. The ability to resolve and reveal very subtle and low level detail yet remain completely organic and pure in character is quite the feat.

Tone quality,timbre,harmonics along with note substain and natural decay is superb.The ability to really hear and distinguish the unique character of instruments is truly compelling and convincing.It manages to be ultra resolved and transparent but in a holistic/natural manner.If you lean toward an analytical perspective then you may not like the Coincident.It will very effectively communicate the emotion of music at all times.

I have`nt heard all the other preamps on your list but I suspect they`re 'all' very worthy.It`s impossible to say any one of them stands clearly above all others(how could that be proven?). Owners of other preamps could make the same sincere case for theirs as I do for mine.All I can say is for what you seem to be searching for the Coincident would measure up to your demanding standards, it is an exceptional audio component.

I hope you`re able to audition it and see what you think.You may or may not agree with my strong favorable impressions.It does`nt have a remote control(in case that matters to you).
Best Regards,
hi Charles1dad,
thanks much for your heartily recommendation. i auditioned and was almost a jaw dropping experience. it paired with Rogue audio Medusa, Goldmund Cdp w/Wadia DAC & SuperVictory II. the only part not up to expectation is bass region. Depending on music genre, songs without much bass & boom factor would certainly benefit miles ahead of other preamp, even SS preamp such as Spectral. Its very quiet and revealing, notes are clean & clear without veil.I heard sounds buried within the huge airy soundstage that i never heard before, eg,rapid gentle metallic tingling sounds(don't know what instrument that is)at backend of the concerto, amidst of other dominating music notes. Imaging is excellent, front & back also well portray. Texture and smoothness is just right, absolute not analytical. Harmonic richness is OK though not great, perhaps due to its airyness, and because of this, separation is the Best i've encountered. From midrange to high freq. is by far the very BEST preamp i heard, may even be better than any pre costing almost 3times as much.
As for the bass part. my dealer is working out a matching amp for me. in the meantime, we also agree that i can try out other pre as well. It's a matter of balancing the qualities that i seek in a preamp. I really have high regards for Coincident now, i Really Thank You for introducing this model as i never knew this brand before.
Anyway, i would hope people to suggest or rank the preamps above as i haven't get the chance or unable to hear due to locality. thanks
- phil
Try the BAT REX line. They are built to handle the dynamics. They also have a solid midrange.