BAT VK-60..New to tubes...Help???

I am looking at a local sale for a original VK-60 with original tubes in mint condition.I want this for a active system to run MIDS ONLY(maybe mid/hi later-passive).I need to know how much it will cost to retube with a warm sounding tube and a fair price for this older amp(1995 I beleive is when they came out???)..Is there different versions?
I will power a dual ATC 75/150S/side active setup crossed at 400hz/3500hz and will need a warm sound.
Any help guys is appreciated.
Have you had any service done on your VK55?
Bat reliable products when they are closing in on 20 yrs old?
Only replaced the power tubes once in the 55. I love this amp. I have been driving thiel 2.4s with it. Bass is actually just as good as my old krell. Never thought I would be driving thiels with a tube amp but Victor makes a hell of an amp. I plan to get another to mono them.
BAT amps seem to be very reliable. If you are looking for a warm amp for midrange the vk-55 would be a better choice than the 60. The midrange in this amp is magicical.
Thank you Peter and Rodman for the advice on the 6sn7s. I hope I answered your question John.