Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s?

OK, I'm thinking about taking the plunge into large tube amp, upgrading. Will the ARC Ref 250s have enough power for the Magnepan 20.1 speakers? Anyone using this combo? The Ref 750s seem too far out there for me but I would like to hear if someone has experience with either of these? Right now I have ARC Ref 3 preamp and Ref 8 CD player along with Pass Labs XP25 phonopre, VPI table with dynavector cart, and Pass Labs X600.5s. I have plenty of power but had an eye opening experience with a friend's Cary Audio 60 watt triode stereo amp. Nowhere near the power needed but it had qualities I desire such as midrange bloom and wide soundstage without harsh upper end. It was bass shy but I do have Nola subs. Should I sell the pass 600.5s and get ARC ref 250s? or 750s (god forbid)?
If you try bi-amping, I'm sure you'll like the incredible flexibilty of the XVR-1 not to mention it's minimal sonic signature. You might consider sticking with the 20.1s, bi-amped with the Ref150s as an alternative to the Ref250s and the 20.7s.
I think Barrysandy's suggestion is a good one. That has potential to sound incredible, stunning. And save you money on both the speaker upgrade and the cost differential between Ref250 and Ref150. Good luck. Good choices!
Sorry to arrive late to this thread, but I am driving 20.1 currently with both ARC VM220 and VTL MB450, as well as other solid state options. I agree, less tubes work fine, especially if you were to biamp. But I am satisfied with both aforementioned tube amps as standalone amplifiers with my freshly rebuilt 20.1's. although I had given some thought to the ref 610t, I am glad I didn't do it. Too mant tubes, runs too hot, and I am very satisfied with why I have. I have a small room, however, perhaps if I had a 1500 sq ft. Great room, I would need more power! But if I did, I would biamp, 200 tube watts driving mids and tweeters is a lot if power!

Ps, arc tube amps run hot! You can sure tell the difference as opposed to the VTL, which are much cooler running...
I ran my 20.1's with two pairs of MB450's to good effect. I found the bass on the 450's to be very organic sounding - I liked it a lot more than several good SS amps I tried in that position.
Just a thought...the only large ARC amp that I have heard that has some of the magic Cary midrange...ARC Classic 150??? triode