Does you wife touch your system?

I am quite surprised how my wife is becoming an audiophile little by little. Until not that long she was happy with computer desktop crappy speakers and now every time I get nice stereo is sounding to the point that she enjoys it more than me!!!!

I wonder if this new situation will make my next purchase justifiable...:)
My wife never touches my system; (well maybe once or twice a year). She basically ignores it although the other day she said, "something new?" I said, "no it was in the shop" She suprised me by complimenting the looks of it (a Joule preamp). But my wife is not a music lover like me; she's a music "liker" and would never try to figure out how to play my system. Music for her is only a car-radio-kind-of- pleasure.
I would'nt be married to her if she did'nt touch my system. Oh wait, did you mean stereo...?
Just bought a Wadia i170 transport on my wife and daughters request so they can use their I devices in the BIG Rig

As Always Good Listening,
