Does you wife touch your system?

I am quite surprised how my wife is becoming an audiophile little by little. Until not that long she was happy with computer desktop crappy speakers and now every time I get nice stereo is sounding to the point that she enjoys it more than me!!!!

I wonder if this new situation will make my next purchase justifiable...:)
I opted for the system and stayed single. Turns out happiness is a bonus for my selection:)
To quote a movie line "WAF!! we don't need stinking WAF!!"
my wife has no interest in it. It's a good thing too, because if she tried she would quickly become frustrated and irate, and blame me for how hard it is to make it work. Also, I would be hovering over her every move and become irate when she doesn't do it exactly right.

you see, both of us are a little tightly wound . . .