Variable gain preamp ?

Can someone please let me know what the benefit of this is . I am looking at a 2 dodd audio pre's . one has the variable gain option . it is 1,000 more . is this worth it . why would i use it and how often would i be turning that dial ? my speakers are proac response 2.5 's . I am going to purchase one of these pre's then get a new amp . will the amp be part of the decision on what pre i would get ? Thanks,mike
A Klyne 7 for example has that feature. The advantages here are
- you can adjust the Input from a connected unit to your preferred level
- you can match the Preamp to the Amp you want to use
Overall - when done right - it is a super feature.
I have a slightly different example. I had an older Gamut preamp with 6dB of gain. My Gamut amplifier has selectable sensitivity to mate with different preamps. To match the it's brand companion I used the most sensitive position. I upgraded to Parasound JC-2 which has 14dB of gain. I adjusted the sensitivity lower on the amp to match the preamp. Now, the JC-2 has adjustable left & right gain, but manual suggests these are used more like a balance control, but I think you could use them to dial back the gain also.