CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5

Hi all,

I am considering CAT SL1 without phono or Modwright LS 36.5 to pair with my PASS LAB X250.5 ... would like to know which amp would be better... Btw would Modwright LS 36.5 be better because of XLR connections...? Please share your experiences....
Just google Coincident Statement Linestage review, and that one and all other reviews will be found.
Daveyf, Vinyl is my source of choice and always has been. I've gone for years at a time without digital because it always left me bored and wanting. Yes I have a fairly decent vinyl rig; Galibier Gavia table w/Stelvio armboard, latest Tri-Planar VII arm and Dynavector XV-1s cartridge. It feeds my MP-1's phono, which to my ears, is right up there with some of the best. My last couple CAT's were mated with a Klyne 7PX3.5 phono; an exceptionally good unit which I really hated to sell.

If I had the room for three more large boxes, I might be tempted to go with JWM's Aesthtix Io Sig. with dual power supplies. Through it, vinyl sounds sublime! Problem is, I don't have the room nor do I want to deal with all those extra tubes.

Bottom line, none of us are judging the CAT based on just digital source though I'll grant you, it does sound better with vinyl. It's $500 add on phono stage is basically an afterthought for those who may want to listen to records but it won't do justice to LOMC's.

Yes our MMV and as Charles said, it's great that you're completely happy with both of your CATs. I was pretty happy too when I owned mine but the MP-1 ultimately won me over. I've had it for quite a while now and have never been happier with what I'm hearing; vinyl or digital.

Happy listening!
Clarrie, just to complete my thoughts on this thread, I would HIGHLY recommend that you listen for yourself to the CAT and any other preamp you are considering. Preferably in your own system. Clearly, my experience and the other posters on this thread differs. I suspect that IF you were to ask ten a'philes what they thought of the differences between the preamps mentioned, you would get eleven different responses. Charles1dad is a Coincident fanboy, good for him, BUT I have heard almost all of their gear, and it does absolutely nothing for me. Use your ears and your own judgement and IMHO, that is the way to audio enlightenment.
Clarrie I think it`s very clear that preferences can vary significantly.I`ll join the chorus and state the obvious, listen for yourself when/if possible and trust your ears and your spontaneous reactions. If you do that you won`t go wrong.There`s no shortage of excellent audio gear available and you`ll find just what you want.
Best Regards,