How big of a difference do amps make?

There are probably plenty of threads on this subject so dont be looking for those who went from ss to tube amps.
Current system:
Thor TA-1000
Merlin TSM-MMM
H/K Citation 16
cheap cdp
Im looking to upgrade amps to Thor 30's with maybe Marantz 8004 cdp.
Just curious what to expect... Thanks Jayson
Very nice post and well expressed thoughts.Nothing substitutes for actually listening and judging for your self.Our ears are such a vital gift if we would just trust them.I`ve heard the CAT power amplifier, I`m not surprised it replaced your M.Levinson amp.
Mrmb, if you have Soundlabs, you might want to know that Dr. West has made a change to the back panel that has resulted in the speaker being a lot easier to drive! In addition to being easier to drive it also sounds a lot better and is a more beneficent load to the amp.
Atmasphere: Thanks for the heads-up.

Ironically, I'm currently considering updating my speakers to the new "PX" panel configuration, the "Hot Rod" update and as you mentioned, to the Toroid II "Consummate" backplate update instituted in the last couple of months. It would appear that each by themselves is a worthy upgrade, but taken in total, probably a major improvement to a speaker that after 10-years of ownership, is one that I still find so alluring and enjoyable!

I do appreciate your contributions in this and other forums.
And your amps would be ones that I would love to hear with the Soundlabs.

I been told by more than a few folks that the decision between Atma-Sphere's and the CAT's is an extremely difficult one! In a way, at the time, I'm sorta' glad that I didn't have the wherewithal to make it. Rather than comparing the Parasound Halo's with the CAT's and my Levinson, if my dealer had carried Atma-Sphere’s, I could have been a very confused, and conflicted lad! As it was, the decision was a no brainer -- even one that I could handle (grin)!

BTW, although you may not recall, we did speak in your room at the 2012 RMAF. I asked if you had seen Thom Mackris at the show. I thought Thom living in Colorado, might have made it. He's been to the house 1,000 miles from his home, twice, and he’s one of my favorite folks in this hobby! I'm sorry that I didn't get to see him.
I am considering to get Roksan Kandy KA-1 Stereo Integrated Amplifier for my bose 901. should i go for it.