Top or best amps for merlin vsm

So far from searching the forum these amps have been mentioned most often. In what order would you place them in??
1.Atma-sphere m60,
2.Berning zh270,
3.Ars Sonum Filarmonia,
4.Joule vzn100,
5.Belles 150a Reference hot rod,
6.Simaudio w-5,
7.Music Reference RM9 or RM200,
8.Bel 1001,
9.Transcendent T8,
10.Pass First Watt Aleph j or other pass,
11.Ayre V5x,
Bluecircle 204, Cary Sixpack or V12R, VAC 70/70, BAT, Audiolab 8000,Tad Hibachi,.
Did I miss any?
What Order would you place them regardless of price?
From the next thread: Berning EA-230 vs RM-10mkII with Merlin VSM
I found:

FWIW, I prefer the RM-10

Joule/Manley/Merlin is certainly a great combination too. As is the Ars Sonum if you want to make your life simpler and not miss a beat. Seems to be a few folks that want from a Joule/Joule combo to Ars Sonum without looking back. As you know, the amp/speaker interface is the most important, and in the case of the Ars, you practically have an amp specifically tweaked to work with the Merlins - and yes, those 30 watts are more than enough.

I now have an RM-10 MkII as well and would say its one of the most underrated amps out there
Reading the posts here regarding Merlins are some good thoughts.The cat rapping about his Maggies must be lost but is a decent typist.Bobby usually says stay away from amps with high damping numbers.I've had some of the above and really like the Berning and Ayre.Can't wait to try one of Ralphs also,good thread,cheers,James
I would say try the Atma-Sphere combo. However, if you already have an RM-10 you might be half way there. A former contributor to these forums, Pubul57 used the Atma-Sphere combo with his Merlin's. He also used an RM-10 paired with the Lightspeed attenuator. If you have a single source system this is a great combo. I use it as well, but do not have Merlin's.