Recommendations for Amp/speaker combo for $10,000

Looking for advice on an amp, pre amp, speaker combination for $10,000. Would like to try tube amps. Music only system. Listen to classical (symphonic, chamber), opera and jazz. Room size is 16' x 18'. Will use various digital and analogue sources.
I recommend the Philharmonic 2s with a Mackintosh 275 amp. The Phils are the most transparent speaker that I have heard. They could really convince me that the instruments are in front of me on stage. The Philharmonic 3 has a bit more bass but is less efficient which would be a factor in choosing a tube amp. With the Philharmonic 3s you would want to consider getting two tube amps in monoblock form used.

Perhaps take a listen to DeVore 0/93's. You could do either the LM 211IA which use EL34's, or their KT88 amp. That model # escapes me. Either of these amps with the 0/93's will have you south of 10K. These are tube integrateds, and are IMHO, good bang for the buck. I am a happy owner of 0/96's, and a 211IA, but use them in different systems. DeVore/LM have been paired at quite a few recent shows, so I suspect a listening opportunity may be pretty easy. If you choose a speaker this efficient, you will have a wide range of tube amps to choose from.
I am very satisfied with my set, it is the Almarro 318B integrated with Zu Omen Def. It is quite life like. It is way under your budget .. but I am not sure if more expensive means better. For the extra, you can spend on other stuff like a good turn table or CD player or DAC ...

Another set I would like to try in the future is Magnaplanar with more powerful SS amp and subwoofer. That is already suggested by Draculel. But I don't have a dedicated listening room and don't want to put those big black planel in my living room. I tested it in a hi-fi store, as said, it is very life like ... I am thrill with goosebumps when I hear the female vocal, it seems she is right in front of me ... I still remember that sound ... I don't think I can get that kind of sound from cone speakers ...