Manley Stingray question

Hi Folks,

I have been far removed from audio world for about a year and a half. I learned I was going to have my first child, so money got scarce. Well, he learned to crawl about two weeks ago, and now every time I look at my amp I see shattered tubes and a crying kid in its future. I am thinking of selling it. It is a first generation (I think) Manley stingray, with ul and triode switches, sub out, and loop/rec out/in. No headphone amp, I-dock, or remote. I bought it new on audiogon about three years ago for, maybe, $900? I was looking at prices and they seemed way high, even for the older model that I have. What happened? Is my sleep deprived brain forgetting what I paid for it (quite possible)? Did something change that I am missing? Thanks for any info.
Your recollection of your purchase price is not far off. About three years ago, I had hte opportunity to pick a Stingray up off of Audiogon for a seller from Long Island, NY, for about $950. However, I passed on it because I had other pressing audio needs. Wish I had bought the darn thing. smh
You did not buy it therefore it did not sell for that price. The Stingray is one of many products I have followed for several years and $950 was never the going price for a Stingray in proper working order and good cosmetic condition.
I'm not going to go back and forth with you. I know what my conversation with the seller was, but I must be wrong because you were there.
I have noticed an occasional Stingray for under $1000 and always wondered why so low. By the time I would double check they were always gone.
Nobody said you have to go back and forth on this. I'm telling you the going price for an original Stingray in excellent condition was upwards of $1200. That doesn't mean an average Stingray or a Stingray in need of a $300 set of tubes hasn't come up for sale for less money. Now that the price has increased on the Stingray II the original Stingray has gone up in price also. It's ironic the original Stingray is the better sounding amp. It was designed with a superior output tube and a better power transformer than the later model. The original output tube was traded for an inferior tube due to availability and consequently the transformer had to be altered to accommodate the lesser tube. To make up for the differences in quality, features were added (bells and whistles). The power has decreased significantly on the later model.