VAC Signature mk2 vs Purity Audio Ultra?

Has anyone compared the both or owned both before? I noticed Purity Audio is using super large Cast Capacitors and Bybee Rails in the signal path. The internals looks sweet but the price is a killer.

Take a Look Here: The internals on the Ultra look top class of course when someone is asking 25 grand and up for there preamp line.
One of the reviews online compares the statement series to the VAC Sigs, Im wandering how much of an improvment one can find with the Ultra Series at 25,000 over the VAC. The Specs on the Purity Design is top class.
VAC just introdeuced a new top of the line as well, their Statement line. I don't have any dea about the prices though. It seems that the high end is chasing the high dollar, since that is where all the dispendable income is going.
I think the new Statement phono stage is around $50K. The line stage is probably around the same, I'd guess. The air is thin at that elevation.
I love Kevin's work at VAC, I just wish he'd pay SOME attention to us lesser folks. He used to carry less expensive gear in his VAC line, in fact I'm enjoying an old Auricle preamp of his now that sold for around $2500 less than 10 years ago AND it has a nice built in phono stage. Does he sell any preamps with phono stage for less than $10,000 now?
WOW,I guess my Vac Sig IIa I had up here wasn't too bad price
50K,there's a new van plus a few holidays in there too.
I did take a look at Vac Statement pre and PH.
I to wonder how much better than the IIA or PH stage is it 2x 4x better.
The Sig MKIIa is pretty sweet.
If I was loaded with coin perhaps, just cuz.
The inside of the statement looks very nice they way she's laid out.
All in all nice looking pc's.